Working towards a brighter future for children in rural China


Orphanage Without Walls – Children of Shambala

“Orphanage Without Walls” (OWW) is a poverty alleviation program run by the Children of Shambala using education as the main tool out of poverty.

OWW is a long term project that must be considered as an ongoing process between the partner NGO, the respective
school, each single orphan and each foster family, where each party involved has agreed to contribute as follows:
The orphan:
1) Go to school
2) Study to his/her best abilities.

The foster family:
1) Send the orphan to school every day
2) Care for and help the child in all possible ways.

The school:
1) Give the orphan and all other children in school the best possible education given local conditions.
2) Orally report to the NGO and the foster family on how the orphan is performing at school.
3) Contact the NGO and/or the foster family in any case of trouble.
The NGO:
1) Support the orphan/foster family with school supplies, clothes, food and other necessities.
2) Pay tuition and living expenses when/if the child reaches high school, university or vocational training.
3) Help the school as far as available resources allow.
4) Visit orphans, foster family and schools on a regular basis to advise, mentor, motivate and solve
5) Be available on the phone in case an orphan, a foster family member or the school needs advice or
someone to talk to.
6) Write at least 2 reports per child per year.
7) Report to donors.

Why not traditional orphanages?
There are three good reasons why traditional orphanages should be avoided:
1. In a society with limited or no public social security systems, it is absolutely crucial to be part of a family
2. Orphanages often have devastating psychological effects on children, and are likely to produce more psychological and social problems.
3. To build, maintain and operate an orphanage is expensive. The investment alone (including maintenance etc.).

Criteria for each orphan to be accepted into the program:
1. Lives in absolute poverty (Below UN’s international poverty line measured in local PPP).
2. Have lost or been abandoned by one or both parents.
3. Be of pre-school age, goes to school, or agrees to go to school.
4. Be in danger of seeing their social environment collapse.

-to support and follow up with each OWW-child from the day she/he enters OWW until the day she/he get her/his first paid job. (Each child shall, if possible, grow up in a family situation in their local community).

-OWW is open for orphans from all ethnic groups. Female orphans will be prioritized.

Program Goals:
a) Get orphans that currently do not go to school in school
b) 98% of all OWW kids shall complete 9 years compulsory education
c) 30% of all OWW kids shall complete High School
d) 5% of all OWW kids shall reach a BA university degree or higher
e) 60% of all OWW kids shall be offered vocational training
f) 80% of all OWW kids shall reach the over all goal of OWW – their first paid job.

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